Explorer Dome – Water workshop 19/4/24

Today, Year 4 had an amazing time watching water come to life in our dome workshop. We consolidated our learning on the Water Cycle linked to our Geography unit this term and also recapped States of Matter from our previous Science unit. It was a very interactive workshop and the children all had a fantastic time! Here are some pictures:


As part of our Christmas celebrations, we made Christingles and discussed what each part represents. We then took these to a whole school service in the hall where we sang Christmas songs and learnt more about this tradition. Below are some pictures of our Christingles.

Science Day – Friday 27th October

For Science day, we investigated whether the length of your femur affects the distance you can jump. We connected this to our learning in Year 3 on ‘Animals including humans’ and used what we know about how our muscles work and where the femur is located as part of our skeleton.

First, we planned our investigation. We considered the variables, outcomes and how we would ensure a fair test before carrying out the investigation to get our results and make our conclusions.

Puffins’ and Kites’ 2023-2024 Class Blog

Welcome to the Puffins’ and Kites’ Class Blog for 2023 – 2024. Here you will be able to enter the classroom and see what your child is up to. Teachers and Teaching Partners will post and share with you all of the wonderful adventures your child will take part in over the year. Please do comment and let us know what your thoughts are about all of the wonderful learning that is taking place.

Friday 15th September

This week, Year 4 have been exploring poetry in English. To finish our unit, we have written haikus about habitats to link to our learning in Science. Below are some examples of our wonderful work.